Thursday, 28 May 2009

BBF Updates

Officially going to order by 29th May from superheadz. will be used to ship them in so I can get them next week latest about 4th June :)

Will ship to you guys once I get and check the items.

Meetup either next Sat 6th June or Sun 7th June in Town for those who cant wait to shoot or network with your fellow BBF-mates! Get to know one another and join us !! (unless you're busy)
Looking forward to a crazy shooting! Bring your film and tripod and flash light!!! :) get groovy!!

yups that's all for the updates, please email me if there's any more questions about payment or such. I hope to receive half the total amount interbank transferred/internet banked to my account so on 29th May tmr, at least I've some money to pay the superheadz side k.. thanks alot for confirmation of your order by payment too! that really helps k!! Don't change your mind about this already.

I'm going to spree $195 for month of June!! School holiday Special! Tell your friends about this !! :) Cheers..

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Yawning Bread. 12 April 2009

From now on, be wary of AWARE

By now, with the publication of the Straits Times story last Friday, it is widely known that the women's group AWARE was taken over by a group of new members at their last annual general meeting (AGM) held at the end of March 2009. Former president Tan Joo Hymn told the Straits Times, "We found that about 80 of the 102 who turned up were new members who joined between January and March this year."

This group went on to elect many of their own into 9 of the 12 executive committee positions.

Some of those elected come with a history. For example, the blog Alice Cheong in Wonderland has documented how the new Honorary Secretary Jenica Chua's main claim to fame is her letters to the Straits Times supporting the criminalisation of homosexual acts, and lambasting Nominated Member of Parliament Siew Kum Hong for presenting a petition to parliament on this matter.

Likewise, the Straits Times, in its article, also wrote:

Older members said the newcomers spoke well but would not elaborate on their plans for Aware.

'When asked if they believed in equality, they kept repeating they were there to support women and to make sure they got ahead and got all the opportunities given to them,' Ms [Dana] Lam said.

Older members were keen to know if the newcomers shared Aware's vision and values, including equality for all regardless of race, religion or sexuality.

But one outspoken new member from the floor, who identified herself as Angela Thiang, said questions about the new office bearers' religion and their stand on homosexuality were not relevant.

And that,

A check showed that some of those at the AGM and on the new committee have appeared in The Straits Times Forum Page.

Ms Chua, Ms Thiang and Dr Alan Chin, a male member of Aware who attended the AGM and supported the newcomers, all wrote letters to this newspaper between August and October 2007.

In a letter on Oct 17 that year, Ms Chua said NMP Siew Kum Hong had overstepped his non-partisan role and advanced the homosexual cause by tabling a petition in Parliament to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code which criminalises homosexual sex between consenting men.

In another letter on Oct 25, she took issue with a Straits Times report which said NMP Thio Li-Ann had been 'visibly distraught' when she opposed Mr Siew's petition vigorously.

Ms Chua said Ms Thio had dealt with several points succinctly, with humour and passion.

Dr Chin and Ms Thiang both wrote letters to caution against the risks of promoting the homosexual lifestyle.

It was obvious to all the old members present at the AGM that it was an orchestrated take-over and it definitely occurred to them that the newcomers were part of a fundamentalist Christian group keen on capturing an existing organisation with all its resources and name-cachet.

However, I am told, attempts to find out which church they belonged to, or even whether they were Christian, were met with evasive answers. The response of Angela Thiang, cited above by the Straits Times, was typical.

In Yawning Bread's experience, a desire to mask their religious motivation is characteristic of the Religious Rightwing's behaviour.

Gay and lesbian people can now expect the new AWARE to take an anti-gay position from now on. Worse, Singaporeans as a whole can expect a big push against abortion, in line with the American Religious Right's "pro-life" fixation.

AWARE has been invited as a (previously) secular organisation to give sexuality talks to schools. You can expect that the new AWARE will re-jig the talks to preach abstinence, to rail against condoms and abortion, besides homosexuality.

In many studies, it has been shown that preaching abstinence solves nothing. All it does is to cultivate guilt and ignorance, while delaying first sex by no more than 1 or 2 years. But when young people eventually have sex, ignorance and guilt come together to put them at greater risk than if they had been through a more open-minded sexuality course. Led to believe that condoms don't protect them, these youngsters (who have been subjected to abstinence messages) are then even less likely than their peers to use protection. Feeling guilty about breaking the taboo against sex, they feel less empowered to negotiate with their sexual partner, either putting them at greater risk of abuse, or even over something simple, like a boyfriend who does not want to use a condom. For the same feelings of guilt, they are less likely to talk to adults if they face problems (so pregnancy and disease, if any, is left unmanaged for longer).

If new AWARE embarks on this course, our young Singaporeans will suffer.

* * * * *

It's a brilliant victory for Singapore's Christian Taliban, in their long term aim to make this place a Christian theocracy.

It also illustrates the problem that perennially faces those of us of a liberal persuasion. We are nowhere as organised as the Religious Right is. In a way, it has to do with the way liberals think. We are by nature accommodating and pluralistic. Furthermore, unlike the Christian Right, we have not been incubated within a siege mentality, so we show no inclination to plan raids on "enemy territory". We are slow in organising to fight.

We have a tendency to believe that our moral position is unarguably stronger than the illiberals', that if only people would open their minds, they'd see the world our way. One consequence of taking this optimistic view of life is that we tend to underestimate the tenacity and belligerence of the other side. We forget that even if a wild animal might not have our moral and intellectual credentials, it can still be bloody dangerous. What more a pack of them.

* * * * *

Constance Singam, the past president (twice) of AWARE, told me she was extremely traumatised by the result of the AGM. I feel for her and can certainly understand the impact. She and her colleagues have spent decades building this organisation, only to have it snatched from them.

The problem is what can they do now? From what I've heard, the AGM was properly conducted under the society's constitution. There may or may not be avenues to have the result overturned – I'm not privy to the internal rules of AWARE – but if the take-over was so easily achieved with new members signing up within the last 3 months, it must surely be just as easy for the new faction to flood the organisation with more, especially if they have church connections. Christianity does not regularly employ the metaphor of sheep and flocks to no effect.

I am pessimistic about the prospect of reversing this. This means that gay people, and anyone with liberal views on sexuality, including abortion, will have to be watchful of what new AWARE does in the future. The moment the new leaders use the organisation to further a religious, sectarian agenda, efforts must be made to counter it.

An interesting question arises: Shouldn't the Registrar of Societies step in if it is later shown that a society is being used for a quasi-religious agenda? You can bet the government will rush in the moment that agenda is Islam-related. But it is one of the tragedies of Singapore that with the over-representation of Christians in government, they will not see any danger should it be a Christian agenda. They may think it can only improve Singapore!

At the rate things are going, the Singapore that Lee Kuan Yew and his generation fought so hard to save from the communalism and religious strife of the 1950s and 1960s runs the risk of being lost to the same, though from a different direction.

Unknowns knock out veterans at Aware polls !! will there be public outrage?

Unknowns knock out veterans at Aware polls

Caught off-guard by big turnout, longtime members lose to fresh faces
By Wong Kim Hoh
SINGAPORE'S best-known women's group, the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware), has seen a dramatic changing of the guard - which some members are describing as nothing short of a leadership grab.

When Aware held its annual general meeting on March 28, everyone expected the usual: No more than 30 or 40 members would turn up at its Dover Crescent centre, and a prepared slate of candidates would be voted into office easily.

Instead, more than 100 people came, the majority of whom had joined Aware only in recent months.

And when the election of office bearers began, almost every position was challenged by new faces, who won by wide majorities.

In the end, nine out of 12 executive committee spots went to the newcomers.

One older member who won without a contest was Mrs Claire Nazar, a former corporate counsel nominated to be president by outgoing Aware chief Constance Singam.

But barely a week into her new term, and before making her first statement as president, Mrs Nazar quit suddenly this week.

She confirmed that she had resigned, but declined to say any more when reached by The Straits Times.

It is not known who will now become president.

Longtime members took two other positions: Chew I-Jin as assistant honorary treasurer and Caris Lim Chai Leng was elected a committee member.

The election results have left longtime Aware members in shock.

Former president Tan Joo Hymn, 38, told The Straits Times the big turnout at the AGM surprised her.

'I arrived at the meeting late and found out that I was No. 100 on the attendance list. I've been a member for 10 years, and never before has there been such a turnout,' said the former lawyer who is now a full-time mother.

Another former president, writer Dana Lam, 57, said: 'There were many faces I had not seen before, and I found that very strange.

'In previous years, even if there were new members, they would be known to one or more of the older members.'

The first indication that something was afoot came when Ms Chew, an Aware veteran, was challenged and defeated handsomely by new member Charlotte Wong Hock Soon for the post of vice-president.

Ms Chew was later elected unopposed as assistant honorary treasurer.

'It was alarming,' said Ms Lam. 'How could a new member who had just joined for a couple of months, and whom we knew nothing about, be picked over someone who has been with Aware for more than 15 years?'

Some of the older members immediately began checking the attendance list.

Ms Tan said: 'We found that about 80 of the 102 who turned up were new members who joined between January and March this year.'

Aware, a feminist group that has prided itself on being 'all inclusive', has never vetted the people who apply to be members.

Men can join too, as associate members.

As it dawned on them that a leadership grab was imminent, some older members at the AGM tried asking the newcomers who they were, what they stood for, and why they wanted to be in charge.

They got only the briefest answers, they said.

Ms Lam said she tried suggesting that new members serve a stint on Aware's various sub-committees before standing for election to leadership positions.

But such suggestions went unheeded as the election proceeded, with more newcomers winning executive committee positions by landslide margins.

Ironically, the old guard at Aware had been working towards changing their Constitution to make it a rule that only those who have been members for at least a year would be eligible to join the ex-co.

There is currently no rule to bar a brand new member from seeking office, and that was what happened at the AGM.

Ms Tan said: 'We were simply outnumbered. Technically, they got in legitimately.'

She added that the way the election proceeded was so unusual, it was hard to imagine that the takeover was not a planned effort.

'It could not be pure coincidence,' she said.

But little is known of Aware's new leaders, aside from the fact that they include women from the corporate sector, lawyers, company directors and academics.

Older members said the newcomers spoke well but would not elaborate on their plans for Aware.

'When asked if they believed in equality, they kept repeating they were there to support women and to make sure they got ahead and got all the opportunities given to them,' Ms Lam said.

Older members were keen to know if the newcomers shared Aware's vision and values, including equality for all regardless of race, religion or sexuality.

But one outspoken new member from the floor, who identified herself as Angela Thiang, said questions about the new office bearers' religion and their stand on homosexuality were not relevant.

Former Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Braema Mathi, a two-term president of Aware, told The Straits Times that she, like many other members, was concerned.

'If you are keen to serve, you don't challenge every position. We do not know who they are,' said the former journalist who is now in Bangkok doing consultancy work for international women's group Unifem.

'It is very troubling, more so because I've heard the new president has resigned.'

Almost a fortnight into their new roles, the new leaders of Aware were not entertaining calls from the media this week.

New honorary secretary Jenica Chua Chor Ping told The Straits Times a press release would be issued 'in a few days' and added that until then, the committee would not answer any questions.

A check showed that some of those at the AGM and on the new committee have appeared in The Straits Times Forum Page.

Ms Chua, Ms Thiang and Dr Alan Chin, a male member of Aware who attended the AGM and supported the newcomers, all wrote letters to this newspaper between August and October 2007.

In a letter on Oct 17 that year, Ms Chua said NMP Siew Kum Hong had overstepped his non-partisan role and advanced the homosexual cause by tabling a petition in Parliament to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code which criminalises homosexual sex between consenting men.

In another letter on Oct 25, she took issue with a Straits Times report which said NMP Thio Li-Ann had been 'visibly distraught' when she opposed Mr Siew's petition vigorously.

Ms Chua said Ms Thio had dealt with several points succinctly, with humour and passion.

Dr Chin and Ms Thiang both wrote letters to caution against the risks of promoting the homosexual lifestyle.

Meanwhile, news of Aware's AGM has spread among older members who did not attend the meeting, as well as civil society groups.

The most frequently-asked questions: Who are the new women in charge, why do they want the leadership, and what are their plans for Aware?

Ms Mathi said: 'The building of an institution takes many years; building its value system is even harder.

'Why can't they come in and be part of the process, and build it together and in a more evolutionary manner? That way, the comfort level will be high for everyone.'

Former newspaper editor and media consultant Peter Lim, a longtime associate member of Aware, said he was very surprised to learn what had taken place.

Asked why he thought a group of newcomers would want to take control, he said he did not know if it was an orchestrated effort.

But he thought Aware would be attractive to those seeking to be in charge of an established institution. Setting up a new outfit would take too much time and trouble.

'Aware has built up its credentials over the years and achieved more than a few things,' he said.

Three former Aware presidents - Ms Claire Chiang, Dr Kanwaljit Soin and Ms Mathi - have served as NMPs.

'Aware is a brand name and most people regard it as the leading voice of the feminists and modern women in Singapore,' said Mr Lim.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

my new blog ..
selling cameras!
this month's special -- taking in orders before 1st may
Blackbird, fly
Price $200 no more! It's now $190
this is a special price for all enthusiasts and friends who support me! thank you very much!!
Do check out my new blog for more details!!

Sunday, 29 March 2009

freaking freak freak freak so ful after eating. life is just plain simple .. eat, live, drink, sleep..
wads there to do in life?

Thursday, 26 March 2009

simply aunties

grumbling aunties, aunties with children who shriek and scream at their kids like you're gonna ram them dead any second, aunties who stare at you in horror as if you're gonna run over their toes and kill them, aunties who refuse to move away from the path just 20 cm so i can go in peace, aunties who pretend to be deaf and refuse to walk properly. There was also once this aunty who simply didn't hear me ringing the bicycle bell (those who know me know that i ring the bell far ahead and give ample signal time plus my bell is the super old and loud type), so the aunty just walk along the path while her family member (husband and teenage son) already swerved out into the grass patch courteously. i thought she heard me cos everyone in her family alr moved, so i sped along, until the last moment where i was just behind her, she suddenly shrieked and got a terrible shock. she started hurtling some crap and scolded me. all in 2 cycling revolutions. her shouting disappeared into the air as the kind wind would carry it. i simply retaliated but decided against it since i cant be heard anyway. it was dark, and when i turned back, i could hear the husband apologising...

well not just aunties, but also sometimes old uncles who pretend to be deaf or simply jerk out of the way at the last possible second.

also the children, who for lack of education or lack of care for the outside world (outside of the immediate 0.5 cm), simply refuse to see you or hear you

Thursday, 19 March 2009

1st time KTV with Arul + updates from wed-thurs

After the previous time yrs ago, we never got to a consensus about ktv.. luckily this time, we managed to sort out the differences and fears or expectations.. we actually went to k lunch together. its nice and cosy -- 2 of us in a room screaming at the top of our lungs. had so much fun singing crappy songs
only thing is, i brought my camera but it wasn't used.. we totally forgot to take any photos!! next time i suppose!! haha..
dint think that kbox would haf that many english songs to last for 3 hrs~ and today for some reason, i kept singing F.I.R's songs and getting really emotional with jaychou's rainbow and zhanghuimei's forget. maybe PMS soon.. sian
this week is flying pretty fast. dun seem to be doing anything much but my 1wk break is soon ending..

went swimming yesterday night, my mom taught me to do a handstand in the medium pool~ it was SO fun ^.^ but not that easy to balance such that your body is completely straight underwater, so that ur legs go above the water and can extend into a straight line above water!! its an art haha. my mom apparently can do it well.. but she cant really swim. wad a mysterious world.. full of mysteries..

i went to see the doctor today about my heart problem. duno why the ECG cant seem to find anything wrong with my heart. it said 'normal sinus rhythm' & 'normal ECG'. wth? i mean, i've been to so many doctors but they cant seem to find out wads the problem.. stupid shit.. anws, i got a referral to the National Heart center in July. shall see how then..

the polyclinic doctor is the best i've ever seen. his name is Dr To Ka chi. he's from hongkong cos u can hear it in his voice. the best, most patient, relaxed doctor and the most interested-in-his-patient doctor i've seen. most polyclinic docs dun seem to do their job well.. he listened to my problem, did simple on the spot checks -- my breathing, Blood pressure, pulse, ears, all that i mentioned had problems.. then he made me go for ECG and blood test!! but nothing was wrong with it, though blood test takes 1 wk to know results..

something funny happened at the ECG room. i saw a cute tiny grasshopper baby on the wall beside me.. the ECG researcher was horrified, and she couldn't take it. i had to carry the grasshopper outta the room before she could continue sticking jelly electrodes on me. she's q funny actually, and a nice concerned person. =) felt like i made a friend, also discussed abt my condition and she seemed truly sincere and interested.

overall a very good experience compared to my normal experience in other polyclinics.. =) 5 stars *****

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

crabbing on Sunday at Sembawang Beach ~

one crab has eggs on the abdomen!

crab stuck on crab net ~

look at the leaves blown by the strong wind

arul playing in the sea

our belongings hung on the trees after being washed by seawater

our overturned crab basket in the background..

crab nets and such in a mess

It was a late start to the day, and when we reached Sembawang beach, it was super freaking crowded!!!
The whole beach was taken and there was hardly a space left for us to pitch our ground sheet. Anws, it wasn't too hot. And it was high tide!
took 5 mins for us to settle down on a spot, spread the ground sheet, and the wave to wash it completely wet immediately. dint even get to sit on it! =(
afterwards, things went downhill. we took 1 hr to set up 3 crab nets and the crab basket. the waves kept on rising, and it finally made us realise we nid to move away. the trash on the shoreline was being washed up to our knees. yuck.

anws we dint catch any crabs cos shortly after we moved to a new spot and cast our nets, it rained heavily. lolz. i ran for shelter while arul decided to meditate at the shoreline.

after the rain, we decided to pack up and leave. there was no luck with crabs for crab nets 1-3. when arul was pulling crab net 4, there was 2 small crabs inside ^.^

gathering Saturday at my hse!!

cant upload the criminal shots cos i haven rotated them!! haha
It was a fun day ~ like every other gathering we haf ^.^

recent crochet designs

Granny Squares that i'll make and patch up to make a bag

Sling bag made from Tunisian stitches..
Its a very neat and simple design!
I'm gonna make a small purse that goes with the sling bag!

Flying Kite on Friday

made this from some website, its so funny hahah

The sun creates a nice shadow on the block of flats ~ at ECP

Sight-seeing at Orchard area. I walked from Teacher's Network at Grange road (near Patterson Road) to Dhoby Ghaut.. took me about 45 mins. The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold, with some light drizzle. I even renewed my PDL while passing by SING post.. Wonder when's my next driving test scheduled?

more photos of Seng Kang

Going back to Seng Kang a 2nd time makes me even fonder of Seng Kang. However, there's 1 big flaw in Seng Kang. It's too ULU. there was no taxi for me to get back to town, and I waited for 45 mins. All the cabs put 'On call' but its fake. They're just waiting for ple to call them, and they appear at the taxi stand immediately. I mean, why cant they just go to taxi stand? there was like 10 ple queueing for taxis, and most people waited very long.. OMG !! sounds bad staying in sucha ulu place.. maybe i'll reconsider moving there in future..

btw, on fri, when i reached the punggol preschool, the principal told me that there's no testing for friday since they've parent teacher meeting. I rushed all the way from bukit panjang to seng kang only to hear that my whole day was wasted! pah. but at least i was paid for that day. in the end, i spent some time chatting with the principal, buying kites in prime supermarket, and shopping for maggee mee (but i couldn't find). I duno why, but the Maggie tomyam beehoon has been outta stock for superlong. i cant seem to find it anywhre! anyone knows where?

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Saturday again!

Just a weekly update. Haven uploaded my photos for super long!
Had an eventful and tiring week. My health is not so good lately, Wonder what's wrong..

Baby-sized toilet bowl at the Bukit Panjang (Gangsa) PCF. Super short and super cute!!!

Attended a complementary camera training. This is one tutorial slide. I need to get a tripod to reduce blur photos!

Tried the long shutter function on the camera, and I could take a clear shot of the night sky by leaning over the window grills at home. Imagine holding my hands outstretched for 20 secs to take this shot. I need the tripod!!!

Feng Shan PCF at Bedok North =)
There's a nice malay food stall opposite, abit oily though.
The barber beside that hawker centre is full of CMI PRC barbers. DONT go there (if u ever see it).

This is Keat Hong Preschool. There've good facilities and a separate room for my testing. Not bad. The lunch aunty offered me milo and crysenthemum tea as well. The people there are very friendly and nice.

Seng Kang -- Compassvale Street
In my work, I get to travel to different places everyday.
It's very fun to take photos of different places and people =)
I love this place! Its v new and there's a big field nearby to fly kites. I even bought 2 kites ($1.50 ea) at the Prime supermarket there. Planning to fly it soon over the wkend.

This is the Seng Kang Sculpture Park.