Saturday, 15 December 2007

chiangmai trip

It is another unforgettable experience into another poverty-stricken area of Asia. Countries such as Laos, Maynmar, Vietnam and Thailand have the region's lowest GDP. Seeing how the people live from hand to mouth, with many young children to feed makes me wonder how much we take it for granted in Singapore. From our food, our clothes, our house, our hygiene equipment, our everything, our peace and middle-class lifestyle basically. Oh well, i just think that many things in life cannot simply be taken at face value. How do economies prosper for example? How do governments manage countries. These things are beyond the control of everyday people like us, we think. It may not be true. We should, instead of being selfish and thinking of our own needs, try to think how we can change the future into a better place. Well, we should be shaping the future with our own hands, instead of leaving it to the government. Thats cos the influence the government has on our everyday lives is simply a lot. It influences the infrastructure we have through the policies, and influences crime rates etc! Just think of how we could shape the world into a worse or a better place by being the 'manager' of a country!

oh well, getting tired of rambling on and on.. shall stop here.. will upload some nice pictures when im free.. btw, i'll be backpacking to Bangkok next Wed so do leave ur footprints on the tagboard if u want. haha

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