Saturday, 29 March 2008

recent updates

wow i've been rather busy with project meetings lately.. just meetings after meetings, lugging along my heavy laptop and bag!

most recent, i've been to my ex-colleague's wedding dinner on friday nite! it's my 1st ex-colleague getting married! hehe. so exciting!! anws, just waiting for Steven to send me the photos, so i can post online.. tho my pictures weren't that good .. hahaha. It was really fun meeting all of them again, they're real nice and genuine people! we talked about so many things, and so much nonsense.. i drank 3 glasses of red wine, and half glass of beer.. i was so happy meeting them, that after that, when i got home, i was quite high and actually couldn't sleep till 3am plus! but it was bad, cos i was totally zonked out the next day (on which saturday was a total flop, and i couldn't do my work at all) I just slept like 3 hours!! wad bad sleep!!

Sunday's post
recovered from the high and lack of sleep, this morning i woke up refreshed and worked on the gender presentation slides! I love them!! So colourful and full of funny cartoons and pictures!! hehehe i posted in dazzlingweather too (for those enthu enough to read)!
Cant believe that my weekend is just gone like that, rushing this and that!

My parents went off m'sia for Qing ming jie since thurs night, but they kept calling me and my sister like 3 times a day! its a lil too much for us to bear.. oh well, i guess my mom just misses us too much! haha. she actualli called me during the wedding dinner, just to tell me some irrelevant stuffs. anws, they're coming back tmr morning, and seriously, i'm kinda used to the quietness without my mom's nonstop talking (i mean, this is kinda a bittersweet thing).. well, i've so much work to do, but tmr still have to make time to have dinner with my uncle, who's stopping by for a transit. he's nice to stopover, to lian luo gan qing (work on our relations) but i really gotta mug for my modes of invention test on tues! haha. and i'm kinda dreading gg for psychophysiology class on tues, for fear he'd 'go thru' the test (i did really badly) haha. just feeling rather embarrassed about that. anws, i cant wait to start working on my modes of invention home experiment! it is really cool if my experiment works well hehe!!

still got to rush my tr report due next monday, and also the devt process report (which my grp mates haven started doing anything.. i really duno how it'll get itself done in the end). oh well.. too many deadlines to care, actually! haha

when the ship reaches the harbour, it'll find its way.

Monday, 24 March 2008


a happy event calls for a celebration! hehe $.$

Got my Pay!

Finally got my pay! my student already cancelled 2 lessons in the past month, that's why I haven got my pay yet. anws, just happy to get my pay!!

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Good Friday Continued!!

My first time eating this Char Siew noodles. It is superb! VERY delicious ~
My first time eating Oishi Pizza! The Eel pizza is very very yummy!!
Yuwen sprinkling the seaweed and flakes patiently as we looked on in starvation (only huien). ahem
We ended off our fast-paced mahjong with some formations!! haha

My own mahjong tile formation!!

Zijia did hers after catching on our 'wind' .. haha

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Good Friday Hangout with Psy Friends =D

It was a Good Friday as we went to lunch at Sushi Tei @ Paragon. Initially we wanted to eat a feast at Seoul Garden, but there was no student lunch special and after some deliberation, we decided it wasn't worth it to pay 25 bucks for the lunch.. Off we trotted to Paragon looking for more food.. and 'stumbled' on Sushi Tei. Obviously we all love Japanese food, and so it was like a choice. On the way, Xiao xuan saw this cute baby who had peachy cheeks! We all couldn't help but walk closer for a good peek at the cute baby!! hehe. Yup, upon reaching the restaurant, we couldn't decided what to eat; our stomachs were close to growling and all the food looked really delicious. We were sitting at a spacious seat, and from there, we had a full view of the kitchen that was enclosed with some transparent plastic. What was so amazing was the fire that kept appearing in the kitchen from time to time. It was kinda exciting to see the cooks trying not to burn themselves with the flames that shot up close to their faces from the woks. Wonder what they were trying to cook!! hehe
As expected, since my hp is still relatively new, I'm still rather enthusiastic to take photos!!

Xiaoxuan ordered this eel omelette! the eel tasted good, but the omelette was abit too hard. ="(
Zijia ordered this fish icecream! Inside was redbean and vanilla icecream! Superb. dun get me to eat my own kind.
Xiaoxuan and Janet ordered Chicken Katsu don! In case ur wondering why there're 2 repeated photos, its because Xiaoxuan took the one below. haha

This is Xiaoxuan's recommendation - Nabeyaki Udon. It has many ingredients!! hehe Zijia got this one =)
Last but not least, my all-time favourite! Curry udon! I wont miss this for anything! Yummy!!
After lunch, we went to International building for Partyworld. It was great!! hehe
We went shopping after that, and dinner at Far East! We each bought stuffs.. hehe
tiring but satisfied, we went home after a good dinner, and good buys!!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Good Friday!!

It is Good Friday tomorrow! I have been looking forward to it since a few weeks back, since it is the only public holiday in these few months. however, now i've still loads of project to do, and the mood seems to be lost.

List of things to do, all due within these few weeks
tr3001 final report, final presentation, prototype 40%
gender presentation, textbook readings for that topic 40%
developmental processes final report 50%
modes of invention test april 1st and final take home examination 25% each

wow! that's alot of tings to do, and so little time! i think the worst ting about me, is that i am very bad at time organisation, planning and management. i always dun seem to have enough time for everything! no time to study, no time to relax, no time to shop, ktv, do things i like. and this lack of time creates a lot of trouble, and i lose motivation to do things.. oh well. i really have to buck up and do my best!! i find life more meaningful when i have many things to do, interspaced within a small time period, but i tink it's a paradox. when i do things i like/enjoy doing, then i wont feel so stressed, but when i dun, i feel really terrible at times.

enjoy Good friday my friends! cant wait to go ktv tmr, and mahjong on saturday! well, i better work on my tr report on monday right after devt processes lecture then! haha. im sure i'll be able to find it fun! still have to remind myself to read gender textbook over the wkend(haven touched it since the test) lolz

Monday, 17 March 2008

Family Dinner @ Curry Fishhead Sembawang

Curry Fish Head.. The spoon was there because of the allure of the curry, and my mom couldn't help not eating it as me and sister were waiting for dad to join us.. Crispy spring chicken was so heavenly! I had wanted to eat KFC before this, but I found this satisfying and heavenly, a good substitute for KFC!
My dad's favorite dish - Belachan Asparagus! Personally, I'm not too fond of this dish.
The meal is never complete without a good old cup of iced lime juice!! hehe
Haven had dinner with family at this hideout for ages!! Nice and refreshing =D
Realised my phototaking skills are bad.. lolz the pictures are so blur!! haha

Sunday, 16 March 2008

seeing your aura

This is good for spiritual interest and its a good getaway from my boring texts!!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

random thoughts

wow i cant wait for my psychophysiology test to be over. so many research papers to read, so many concepts to understand and remember. the mental torture! haha.
i'm trying to take things easy, not to be too stressed or take the tests too seriously, because then, it turns out to be worse. so i hope my new strategy works!

also, i wana do so many things in my weekend, but i cant because i need to study. so no life. arh!
but anyhow, i still gotta finish studying, so might as well endure the last 2 months of it. after that, i'll seriously need to get a job or starve to death. haha!!

i realised i've not been blogging in my other blog (dazzlingweather) so i guess i'll post something there soon!

i cant wait for the mt rinjani briefing in April!! i wana know wad we're doing there, wad the volcano looks like, etc.. for those who might be interested, visit this page You guys could sign up too! hehe It gives me a new sense of empowerment, and i feel like i need to get my body in shape for the climb, so that gives me some motivation to eat well, sleep well, do some exercise haha!!

well guys, that's all folks! if you have any good food / restaurants to recommend, do drop me a comment k? thanks =D

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Prizes in Gender Class

Our group won the quiz, AND surprisingly, there was a prize!! so exciting!!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

A different perspective - Glow

What would the future hold for me?My future ...
The future is in my hands
Lets all strive towards our future

Sunday, 9 March 2008


My weekend just passed by like that. Saturday was spent giving 1 tuition, and then mugging in the woodlands library. I realised I dun understand the materials. Textbook is so difficult, with so many tons of studies which we're expected to understand. Oh well. Sunday was supposed to be spent with 1 tuition in the morning, but student couldn't wake up in time. There goes my $$. After that, met up with my TR3001 group mates at Funan the IT mall to shop for laptop coolers, see our competitors, and talk to retailers. Oh well.. I am so super sick and my head is so painful. I really wish I wasn't sick now, and that I don't have to go to school tmr. class at 9am!! that can kill.

sometimes things are hard to forget. Forgive but not forget, some say. I say, forget, and forgive, only to remember later on.. lols Glad I went out to get some fresh air today, it made me forget the angst again. Too many bad memories in the past sometimes is quite bad for the relationship. It makes me want to give up, because i feel that things will only get worse.. But when I forget my bad emotions, I don't think that anymore. How ironical can life get?

woah my headache is getting worse, and I really cant sleep. Don't know wad to do anymore.. so tired and miserable!! AHH >.<"

oh ya, bought a new puzzle from Daiso few days back. I like playing it, until the last 3 times, when I couldn't get the pieces to form back. Grr Actually I watched a movie on Friday night, and it was enjoyable. Good movie. There will be Blood. Arul and I decided to catch something we duno anything about, just for a change. I went in thinking that it might be a bad show, or something too cliche, cos of the title. Turned out to be really good. I guess it's a good strategy to cheer yourself up, or when you're too bored. It's like a gamble.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

chawanmushi @ sakae teppanyaki

disclaimer: this post is too whiny so don't read it if you cant take it.

Well, things have been not so smooth for me lately.. Studied quite hard for the Gender mcq quiz but i did really badly. Have never done so badly since year 1. I mean, usually i do badly cos i dint study, not because i studied and was indecisive. Indecisiveness is the biggest flaw for mcqs! I cant believe I took it so seriously and didn't follow my gut feeling. Oh well, learning from mistakes is the key to success, but i feel that success is not in my favor.

Anws, the next quiz is also mcq. 90 mcqs in 1.5hours! It seems so difficult! I cant understand half the materials i'm reading. Plus, the textbooks and research articles are so thick a pile, I think i wont be able to finish cramming the things into my head, if I've any.

I feel so much like going to shop, spend $$, buy chocolates, eat some feast or something. I also want to get rich.. I also want to do well for exams. I also want to go ktv, sing songs, get high. BUT I'm sick (again). Sore throat, heavy head, flu, runny nose etc.. Symptoms of a bad sickness coming. Those irritating kinds that make your head dizzy if you shake it.

I had wanted to go to some adventure on Mt Rinjani in June, but they couldn't book the tickets in time, and wanted to extend the trip 2 more days. There's nothing to do on the beach for 4 days, so i just cancelled it. Now it feels rather empty. The graduation trip with our psychology gang isn't materialising either. No one planned to go together, everything is so last minute, and in e end, i guess we'll have a mini get-together at someone's house. Maybe bake cookies, cook tomyam, watch dvd is the best we can get to a 'trip'. I guess that's better than nothing, since we all have different places we want to go, and different budget constraints, preferences etc. Oh well, my bike license is also not materialising. It's taking ages to just go for a theory evaluation, let alone the riding theory test. I think the day I go on the roads is at least 1 month away. Waiting .. Ever waiting.. Buying the bike seems out of the question also, since its impossible not to let my parents know about it, plus it's too exciting, I'll probably burst it out to them. I mean, how can I keep the news from them? well, when the boat reaches the bridge, things will straighten out.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

The Little Red Riding Hood

“Grandma, what big teeth you have!”….The wolf grabbed Red Riding Hood in his claws, intent on devouring her. Red Riding Hood screamed, not out of alarm at the wolf’s apparent tendency towards cross-dressing, but because of his wilful invasion of her personal space. Her screams were heard by a passing woodchopper-person. When he burst into the cottage, he saw the melee and tried to intervene. But as he raised his ax, Red Riding Hood and the wolf both stopped.“And just what do you think you’re doing?” asked Red Riding Hood.

The woodchopper-person blinked and tried to answer, but no words came to him.“Bursting in here like a Neanderthal, trusting your weapon to do your thinking for you!” she exclaimed.“Sexist! Speciesist! How dare you assume that women and wolves can’t solve their own problems without a man’s help!”When she heard Red Riding Hood’s impassioned speech, Grandma jumped out of the wolf’s mouth, seized the woodchopper-person’s ax, and cut his head off. After this ordeal, Red Riding Hood,Grandma and the wolf felt a certain commonality of purpose. They decided to set up an alternative household based on mutual respect and cooperation, and they lived together in the woods happily ever after.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Flying kite!!

On the last day of my mid-sem break, Arul wanted to come over to play badminton with me! Alas! It was a rainy day and we didn't get to play.. He came over all the same, and we agreed to make a kite to fly! HEHE.. Our kite wasn't super professional, it was made of simple materials.
We used a plastic bag, and tie it to the string we bought at the market.

It wasn't easy to fly it, cos the weather wasn't too windy. We were running and running until we were so tired. HAHA.

Then, we decided to go to a grassy place, where we saw people flying kites. It's at Senja thereabouts. However, it was super far, and we didn't want to walk all the way there. So we tried flying it at the carpark opposite my block, which was slightly elevated, but it didn't work. I suggested going to the top of the multi-storey carpark, and we climbed all the way there, groaning and moaning (I was!). Finally, when we reached there, it was already dark, but there was no drizzle already. So it was good. The wind wasn't too strong though. we must have made a ruckus there, shouting at each other to 'thug' or 'run'!

Well, after perhaps half an hour, we were both tired out, as he was running the length of the carpark a few times, without much success. The plastic bag only hovered in the air for a while, and it did not seem to want to fly. I guess we need more wind!! lols

A fun and good day nevertheless !!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

leap year! 29th Feb

Did you guys do anything special to commemorate this special day?

I heard from xiaoxuan that she made a pact with her friends 4 years ago that they'd meet every 4 years on this day. So I decided I'd make a pact with Arul also. Last night, 10 mins before 12 midnight, we made a pact that on this same day, 4 years later, We'll be in Paris. hehe