Thursday, 20 March 2008

Good Friday!!

It is Good Friday tomorrow! I have been looking forward to it since a few weeks back, since it is the only public holiday in these few months. however, now i've still loads of project to do, and the mood seems to be lost.

List of things to do, all due within these few weeks
tr3001 final report, final presentation, prototype 40%
gender presentation, textbook readings for that topic 40%
developmental processes final report 50%
modes of invention test april 1st and final take home examination 25% each

wow! that's alot of tings to do, and so little time! i think the worst ting about me, is that i am very bad at time organisation, planning and management. i always dun seem to have enough time for everything! no time to study, no time to relax, no time to shop, ktv, do things i like. and this lack of time creates a lot of trouble, and i lose motivation to do things.. oh well. i really have to buck up and do my best!! i find life more meaningful when i have many things to do, interspaced within a small time period, but i tink it's a paradox. when i do things i like/enjoy doing, then i wont feel so stressed, but when i dun, i feel really terrible at times.

enjoy Good friday my friends! cant wait to go ktv tmr, and mahjong on saturday! well, i better work on my tr report on monday right after devt processes lecture then! haha. im sure i'll be able to find it fun! still have to remind myself to read gender textbook over the wkend(haven touched it since the test) lolz

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