Saturday, 22 March 2008

Good Friday Hangout with Psy Friends =D

It was a Good Friday as we went to lunch at Sushi Tei @ Paragon. Initially we wanted to eat a feast at Seoul Garden, but there was no student lunch special and after some deliberation, we decided it wasn't worth it to pay 25 bucks for the lunch.. Off we trotted to Paragon looking for more food.. and 'stumbled' on Sushi Tei. Obviously we all love Japanese food, and so it was like a choice. On the way, Xiao xuan saw this cute baby who had peachy cheeks! We all couldn't help but walk closer for a good peek at the cute baby!! hehe. Yup, upon reaching the restaurant, we couldn't decided what to eat; our stomachs were close to growling and all the food looked really delicious. We were sitting at a spacious seat, and from there, we had a full view of the kitchen that was enclosed with some transparent plastic. What was so amazing was the fire that kept appearing in the kitchen from time to time. It was kinda exciting to see the cooks trying not to burn themselves with the flames that shot up close to their faces from the woks. Wonder what they were trying to cook!! hehe
As expected, since my hp is still relatively new, I'm still rather enthusiastic to take photos!!

Xiaoxuan ordered this eel omelette! the eel tasted good, but the omelette was abit too hard. ="(
Zijia ordered this fish icecream! Inside was redbean and vanilla icecream! Superb. dun get me to eat my own kind.
Xiaoxuan and Janet ordered Chicken Katsu don! In case ur wondering why there're 2 repeated photos, its because Xiaoxuan took the one below. haha

This is Xiaoxuan's recommendation - Nabeyaki Udon. It has many ingredients!! hehe Zijia got this one =)
Last but not least, my all-time favourite! Curry udon! I wont miss this for anything! Yummy!!
After lunch, we went to International building for Partyworld. It was great!! hehe
We went shopping after that, and dinner at Far East! We each bought stuffs.. hehe
tiring but satisfied, we went home after a good dinner, and good buys!!

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