Sunday, 9 March 2008


My weekend just passed by like that. Saturday was spent giving 1 tuition, and then mugging in the woodlands library. I realised I dun understand the materials. Textbook is so difficult, with so many tons of studies which we're expected to understand. Oh well. Sunday was supposed to be spent with 1 tuition in the morning, but student couldn't wake up in time. There goes my $$. After that, met up with my TR3001 group mates at Funan the IT mall to shop for laptop coolers, see our competitors, and talk to retailers. Oh well.. I am so super sick and my head is so painful. I really wish I wasn't sick now, and that I don't have to go to school tmr. class at 9am!! that can kill.

sometimes things are hard to forget. Forgive but not forget, some say. I say, forget, and forgive, only to remember later on.. lols Glad I went out to get some fresh air today, it made me forget the angst again. Too many bad memories in the past sometimes is quite bad for the relationship. It makes me want to give up, because i feel that things will only get worse.. But when I forget my bad emotions, I don't think that anymore. How ironical can life get?

woah my headache is getting worse, and I really cant sleep. Don't know wad to do anymore.. so tired and miserable!! AHH >.<"

oh ya, bought a new puzzle from Daiso few days back. I like playing it, until the last 3 times, when I couldn't get the pieces to form back. Grr Actually I watched a movie on Friday night, and it was enjoyable. Good movie. There will be Blood. Arul and I decided to catch something we duno anything about, just for a change. I went in thinking that it might be a bad show, or something too cliche, cos of the title. Turned out to be really good. I guess it's a good strategy to cheer yourself up, or when you're too bored. It's like a gamble.

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