Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Flying kite!!

On the last day of my mid-sem break, Arul wanted to come over to play badminton with me! Alas! It was a rainy day and we didn't get to play.. He came over all the same, and we agreed to make a kite to fly! HEHE.. Our kite wasn't super professional, it was made of simple materials.
We used a plastic bag, and tie it to the string we bought at the market.

It wasn't easy to fly it, cos the weather wasn't too windy. We were running and running until we were so tired. HAHA.

Then, we decided to go to a grassy place, where we saw people flying kites. It's at Senja thereabouts. However, it was super far, and we didn't want to walk all the way there. So we tried flying it at the carpark opposite my block, which was slightly elevated, but it didn't work. I suggested going to the top of the multi-storey carpark, and we climbed all the way there, groaning and moaning (I was!). Finally, when we reached there, it was already dark, but there was no drizzle already. So it was good. The wind wasn't too strong though. we must have made a ruckus there, shouting at each other to 'thug' or 'run'!

Well, after perhaps half an hour, we were both tired out, as he was running the length of the carpark a few times, without much success. The plastic bag only hovered in the air for a while, and it did not seem to want to fly. I guess we need more wind!! lols

A fun and good day nevertheless !!


matchy Ng said...

haha... simple kite makes me so envy. I always wanted to have a simple life. Even if i can live my life working hard as a farmer, i would not mind too.

dune said...

lol!! yes a simple life is what most people dream of, but life is complicated hahaha