Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Went out watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix...
Not a very good show .. little action, predictable plot, little highlights..

For me, quidditch was the highlight of Harry Potter series.. and Since this movie had no quidditch, it was really a boring show.. Also, Richard Harris (who acted as Dumbledore in the Chamber of Secrets, and the Sorcerer's Stone) was much suited for the role of Dumbledore than the current actor Michael Gambon (who has signed to act in the REST OF the Harry Potter films). That's ONE good reason not to watch any more.. :((

Well, i guess i've grown out of Harry Potter.. Its more suitable for kids probably.. My other friends who were watching also found the movie boring :(

I'd give the movie 2 stars out of 5. overall not recommended to watch.

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